lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

ISEN selected to participate in the competition "Young designers" of "Fashion Castilla y León" 2013 (Spain)

"Illusions 2"- Designed by Isabel Garcia (Isen Design & Craft). 

ISEN selected to participate in the competition "Young designers" of  "Fashion Castilla y León" 2013 (Spain)

"Illusions 2". Isen Design & Craft

Publicaiones en Prensa / Publications in press (Spain)

Diario de
La Ciudad de la Moda / The City of Fashion
I.L.H. / Burgos - martes, 04 de Junio de 2013 / tuesday, 04 on June 2013

El Mundo - El Correo de Burgos
Burgos - viernes, 07 de junio de 2013 / friday, 07 on June, 2013

7 Young Designers of 

From left to right: Karolina, Enma, Isabel, Raquel, Jennifer, Sara and Noelía.

"Young Designers" 

Segunda y última jornada de la Pasarela de la Moda de Castilla y León 2013
Second and last day of Fashion Catwalk of Castilla y León 2013

More info: 

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